Medieval Illumination
2011 | Mixed Media | 5" x 2" x 5"
This little vignette was to accompany The Art of Illumination, an article I wrote for the May 2011 issue of Artisans in Miniature Magazine. Work of a typical medieval monk is shown in progress with reed and plume pens, inks, and gold leaf.
Medieval Illumination
2011 | Mixed Media | 5" x 2" x 5"
A miniature reproduction of a the Astor-Aubery de Frawenberg Book of Hours, made in France circa 1500 AD—with hardbound cover and pages gilded with 18-karat gold leaf.
Miniature Needlepoint Carpet
1978 | 9" x 6"
This beautiful needlepoint carpet is one of my most treasured miniatures. It was made by my mother for my childhood dollhouse (she also built the house.)