Miniatures Links
Miniatures Organizations
- Artisans in Miniature (AIM)
- Cottage Industry Miniaturists Trade Association (CIMTA)
- International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA)
- The National Miniatures Trust: Helping the miniatures community grow through better communication, education and a variety of community-serving programs.
- Dollhouses for a Cause: A charitable giving project sponsored by Real Good Toys. Dollhouses built by volunteers (individuals and groups) are donated to shelters, hospitals, and fundraisers to benefit a multitude of charitable organizations.
Miniature Clubs
- National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts (NAME)
- Atlanta Miniature Society: Atlanta GA
- Cleveland Miniaturia Society, Inc.: Cleveland OH
- Miniature Enthusiasts of Toronto (MET): Toronto, Canada
- Ontario Miniature Enthusiasts of Guelph Area: Ontario, Canada
- Small World Miniature Club: Phoenix AZ
Miniature Publications
- Artisans in Miniature Magazine (online)
- Miniature Collector Magazine (US)
- DollsHouse & Miniature Scene (UK)
- Dolls House World (UK)
- Miniaturas (Spain)
Even More Useful Links…
I've collected so many cool links that I've organized them into categories to make them easier to browse. No matter what you're looking for, you're sure to find it here!
- Artists & Shops: Some of my favorite artists and shops, supplying a wide variety of miniatures.
- Museums & Exhibits: Feast your eyes on some fabulous miniatures! Links to online exhibits and museum websites, you don't want to miss these.
- Shows: Pretty self-explanatory.